You can register two ways by clicking the Signup button on the top right of the Home Page ie.

Registration is free. All registered users are given Free 20 credits ie, 20 tests.

a) Custom Registrataion - In this method, the user has to enter his details, a confirmation email is sent to the user. Once the confirmation email is clicked the user becomes an active user and access all the features of the portal.

b) Existing Google and Facebook users. The user can register by clicking on the Google or Facebook icon on the signup or login page. No confirmation is sent and the user is automatically registered to the site. The User can also register by clicking on the Google Plus and Facebook icons on the login page.

If the user forgets the password, he can click the forgot password link on the Login screen. An email is sent to the user. The user can click on the link and change the password.

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